Thursday 5 November 2009

Target Audience

Recently we have been learning about Target audience.

Target audience is ia the group of people which a product is aimed at for example the film bambi is aimed at small children, this is shown by it being a disney film, a cartoon, and based around a talking animal.

There are several types of Target audiences. e.g.

Active: Someone who purposely goes to the cinema to view the production

Passive: Someone who is taken with a family etc. to see the film not by choicePreferred: Someone who the film is aimed at for example a film aimed at a teenager and a teenager goes to watch it.

Hedonist: a film purely devoted for the audiences enjoyment e.g. the saw collection, they want to experience new things like sitting on the beanbags in the cinema or watching a film because the review says "it WILL make you vomit"

Traditionalist: someone who sticks to what they like for example disney films, they have seen disney films, like it, so see the latest disney films released.

Post-Modernist: Someone who knows a film and goes to see a more modern version of it for example the latest Star Trek film, people will watch it in order to compare to the original film.

We also learnt about the "acorn system" which to be honest completely baffels me.

Door Task Favourites Explanation

Door Task